Chanticleer Singers

Join Us

The Choir

We are a friendly mixed-voice choir of about 34 voices and we're always pleased to hear from potential new members who enjoy singing choral music - so if you are passionate about singing and would like to try us out, do please get in touch.

Our Director

The Choir's Director is William Dore and you can find out more about him here.


Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings during term-time from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm.  Following the pandemic, we needed to find a new, larger rehearsal venue and have established a close link with the Wesley Centre in Saville Street, Malton, where the choir rehearsed for a time in the early years.  The Centre is reaching the culmination of a major restoration project and we are delighted to be able to return there to rehearse.  We usually warm up with vocal exercises, before detailed practice of the pieces that we are preparing for performance.

New Members

If you would like to audition for the choir, or would like an informal chat, then we'd love to hear from you. Get in touch with our Musical Director (, who will usually suggest that you come along to a rehearsal to try us out before holding an informal audition – which he always tries to make as stress-free as possible!

We aim for a high standard and so this does need a high level of commitment from the singers and a basic ability to sight read. We're all expected to learn our part at home between rehearsals – although not by heart, as we use copies for our performances.  Singers are expected to attend at least 70% of rehearsals, including the final rehearsal. If this is not possible for any special reason, the Musical Director will decide whether or not that person may sing in the concert.


The subscription is currently £180 a year, which can be paid in full in September, in three parts (September, January and April) or by monthly direct debit over 10 months. The choir welcomes student members with no subscription for under 18s.  Music is usually provided, either from the choir’s own library or hired in.  The subscription plays a key role in funding the Musical Director, rehearsal and concert venue costs, music and soloists and accompanists, so singers are also asked to advertise the concert personally and sell as many tickets as possible.

What choir members say about us...

I haven't yet met another group who are so welcoming and kind.
Perfect for singing your stresses away after a tough day at the office.
In 40 years of singing I've never enjoyed myself as much as I am in Chanticleer.
Some of the music is very challenging but it's definitely worth it!
I have learned so much during my time with Chanticleer - and it's hugely enjoyable and great fun!
I always go home 'on a high' after rehearsals and concerts.
Great camaraderie and great singing too.
Rehearsals are musically stretching but there's lots of laughter too.
© 2025 Chanticleer Singers